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Our Services
We are a full service public accounting practice with a focus in forensic accounting, litigation support and consulting services provided to individuals, companies and government organizations in both criminal and civil court proceedings.

Quality Practices
Quality Practices
We are experienced in a variety of methodologies with a focus on funds and asset tracing, net worth analysis, detailed transaction analysis and analyses of financial position.

"Divide each difficulty into as many parts as is feasible and necessary to resolve it."
Rene Descartes

Criminal Investigations
Forensic accounting support in criminal investigations include financial analysis of personal and corporate records, preparation of reports and provision of expert witness testimony for offenses including proceeds of crime, money laundering, and fraud.

Litigation Support
Litigation support in civil court proceedings include financial analysis, report preparation and provision of expert testimony for issues including income determinations, asset tracing, contract disputes, and fraud.

Consulting services include fraud detection and prevention services, corporate investigations, evaluation of internal controls and other services to strengthen an organization against the fight against fraud.

Accounting services include year end financial statement preparation and Notice to Reader or Review Engagement reports.

Tax services include income tax return preparation for businesses and individuals as well as GST and payroll filings.

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